5 years old
The educational program “Lilliputian Engineers” is designed for Kindergarten students. Children take their first steps into the world of Science, Technology and Engineering.
0 learners taking this course
Lillipoutian Engineers

Young Engineers

6-7 years old
Young Engineers is designed for early primary school pupils and enables them to be transformed into small scientists. By watching the world around them, children learn to wonder what’s going on in nature, how something works or what a device does.
Lilliputian Scientists

Have you ever wondered how the vehicles, buildings, and various objects we see and use every day were created? Behind it all is a group of different professionals such as mechanics, architects, and civil and electrical engineers.

2nd year High School
Propellers are an inconvenient way to move a car. Using the accuracy of the BBC micro:bit platform sensors as a springboard for their research, participants will experientially explore the concepts of couple forces as they are asked to describe how it is pushed, as well as describe one of the most fundamental quantities in kinematics, instantaneous velocity.
Science Friction

2nd year High School
Friction is a constant companion from the time we wake up and begin our day. Students will construct a wheeled vehicle using a continuous servo motor during the exercises. An analogue potentiometer and the BBC micro:bit platform will be used to control the provided power.
Space Engineers

5th – 6th Grade
STEM education, we have a problem! Let us become the first humans to explore Mars!
At a time when space achievements are impressive, students in this program will step into the role of the scientists who made them possible!
Strut with the Algorithms

Seminars on the introduction of programming in preschool. We provide preschool teachers with the necessary tools to help children gain a solid foundation from a very young age in understanding programming concepts through experiential activities.
Advanced SPIKE Prime

5th, 6th Grade, High School
STEM Education offers a teacher initiation program in the world of educational robotics! The aim of the program is the exciting learning of physics, technology, mathematics and engineering (S.T.E.M.), practically without theories and unnecessary terminology and methods of analysis and problem solving.
Advanced WeDo Scratch

3rd, 4th Grade
By attending the elementary education robotics seminar, educators will get to know the physics and mathematics behind the construction of a robotic model, the various methods of transmission, but also the basic programming commands in the MIT Scratch 2.0 environment.
Young Engineers

The program includes the introduction to the basic concepts of Physics (mainly engineering), which are necessary for a better understanding of the principles and phenomena associated with the construction of the program of the Future Engineering.
Spike – Race of Robots

5th & 6th Primary & High School
The program is dedicated to preparing the teams for their participation in the WROHellas competition in the Category Regular II category.

Γυμνάσιο, Λύκειο
Το πρόγραμμα «Μηχανοτρονική» διδάσκει στους μαθητές τους Αυτοματισμούς που χρησιμοποιούνται σήμερα στη βιομηχανία, μέσα από ρεαλιστικά μοντέλα που οι ίδιοι κατασκευάζουν και προγραμματίζουν. Οι μαθητές του προγράμματος θα έχουν την ευκαιρία να κατανοήσουν σε βάθος τις αρχές μηχανοτρονικής, κατασκευάζοντας συστήματα που προσομοιάζουν βιομηχανικές διαδικασίες. Θα μάθουν να προγραμματίζουν επεξεργαστές και θα γνωρίσουν την χρήση αισθητήρων, ενεργοποιητών και κινητήρων χρησιμοποιώντας τους στην πράξη.
My first Automations

3rd, 4th grade
The program is designed to provide information and awareness to the students of the last grades of primary school regarding educational robotics and automation.
Competitive Educational Robotics

Primary School, High School, Lyceum
See more for this program
Introduction to Educational Robotics (WeDo)

3rd, 4th grade
The program is designed to introduce elementary school students to automation and educational robotics.
Educational Robotics (WeDo – Scratch)

4th, 5th and 6th grade
The program is designed to provide information and awareness to the students of the last grades of primary school regarding educational robotics and automation.
Simple And Powered Machines

2nd 3rd Grade
The educational program “Simple And Powered Machines” is a continuation of the program “Simple Machines”. Armed with the right supplies the little engineers are ready to face any problem.
Levers & Linkages

Τα πακέτα TechCard παρέχουν ένα απλό σύστημα κατασκευής ειδικά σχεδιασμένο για χρήση σε σχολεία. Αποτελούνται από ένα εύχρηστο σύνολο μηχανικών στοιχείων που επιτρέπουν στους μαθητές να εξερευνήσουν τους βασικούς απλούς μηχανισμούς που αποτελούν τη βάση του κόσμου γύρω τους. Τα παιδιά μπορούν να δημιουργήσουν πολυάριθμα μοντέλα χρησιμοποιώντας απλά υλικά και συστατικά με τα οποία γίνεται κατανοητή η αρχή λειτουργίας της κάθε κατασκευής
Simple Machines

1st & 2nd Grade
The Simple Machines educational program is designed for primary and secondary school students and enables them to transform into young scientists.
Youngster Engineers

The educational program “Youngster Engineers” is designed for Kindergarten students (4 and 5 years old). Children take their first steps in the world of Science, Technology and Engineering.
Levers & Linkages

Το TechCard είναι ένα απλό σύστημα κατασκευής ειδικά σχεδιασμένο για χρήση σε σχολεία. Χρησιμοποιεί απλά υλικά και συστατικά ώστε οι μαθητές να μπορούν να κατανοήσουν την αρχή λειτουργίας της κάθε κατασκευής.
Levers & Linkages

Ο STEM Education σας προτείνει να γνωρίσετε μία νέα δραστηριότητα για τους μικρούς μαθητές με το εκπαιδευτικό πακέτο TechCard. Τα πακέτα τάξης TechCard περιλαμβάνουν έξυπνες κατασκευές που εντυπωσιάζουν τα παιδιά. Με τη χρήση του συγκεκριμένου εκπαιδευτικού πακέτου και σε συνδυασμό με απλά υλικά όπως ψαλίδι και χρώματα, υλικά με τα οποία οι μαθητές του νηπιαγωγείου είναι ήδη εξοικειωμένοι, θα δημιουργήσουν ευφάνταστα μοντέλα.

High School
What is nanotechnology and why is it so useful? What makes this technology so special and what can it offer?

High School, Lyceum
Mechatronics or mechatronics is the study and construction of intelligent mechanical systems, mentions to the combination of the sciences of Mechanical Engineering, Electronics – Electrical Engineering and Informatics in the design and manufacture of products and processes.
Advanced Training Robotics (Mindstorms EV3)

High School, Lyceum
his program provides students with advanced knowledge, introducing them to the logic of solving a problem and the methodology to be followed to complete a demanding project. It promotes teamwork and puts children in the process of self-assessment and continuous improvement.
Microbit with MicroPython

High School
In this program students program with Python (MuEditor-MicroPython) real sensors via a microcontroller – pocket BBC micro:bit.
From Electro to Transistor

High School
The building blocks of matter, the laws of nature, and the successive ideas of enlightened people over the centuries have created the digital world in which we live.

High School
Nanotechnology program is a short-term laboratory where students will discover a new world, the nano-world.
Detective C.S.I.

High School
In the Detective C.S.I. students will work like modern researchers in forensic laboratories and will learn the basic principles of forensic research based mainly on the sciences of Physics, Chemistry and Biology. They will be asked to investigate mystery cases using a combination of tools and techniques of criminology such as collection and analysis of fibers, hair, collection and identification of fingerprints, analysis of blood groups, etc. In the course of the research, the members of the team will have to work together perfectly to collect the data and analyze it, in order to be able to solve the mystery!
Physics for 1st grade High School

1st grade High School
This course through its activities brings students in contact with the most basic concepts of physics, teaches how to measure fundamental physical quantities and the scientific methodology of experimental research.
Advanced Educational Robotics (Mindstorms EV3)

Middle school, High school
This program provides students with advanced knowledge, introducing them to the logic of solving a problem and the methodology to be followed to complete a demanding project.
Lillipoutian Engineers
Engineering | Preschool
Lillipoutian Engineers is designed for Kindergarten students (4 and 5 years old). Children take their first steps in the world of science, technology and engineering.
Young Engineers

Engineering | Elementary
Young Engineers is designed for early primary school pupils and enables them to be transformed into small scientists. By watching the world around them, children learn to wonder what’s going on in nature, how something works or what a device does.
STEM in Action!

Engineering | Elementary
STEM in Action! is a continuation of the “Young Engineers” program. Armed with the appropriate equipment, the small engineers are ready to deal with any problem. The right structure of a constraction, motion and mechanical advantage are now familiar topics.
Introduction to Automation

Engineering | Elementary
Introduction to Automation is designed for elementary students where, through teamwork around the construction of a robotic model, children live an exciting and entertaining experience that they do not want to end!
Each construction follows a “code” that is the product of the students’ computational thinking and is realized in the digital environment of MIT Scratch 2.0. The whole creating process is done with the LEGO WEDO 2.0.
Junior Engineering Academy

Engineering | High School
This program is a product of the collaboration of the non-profit organization STEM Education and the Junior Engineer Academy network. The program covers a variety of modern technology chapters, including engineering, electronics, computer science and 3D object design.
Educational Robotics

Engineering | High School
Educational Robotics is designed for high school students. Engaging in group activity, building a functionally autonomous and complex robot helps them to release their creative power and at the same time to empirically understand the concepts hidden behind Physics in an exciting way.
Physics 1st-3rd Grade

Physics 1st-3rd grade
Science in Lower Elementary School aims to familiarize students with the natural world that surrounds us.

6th grade
In this educational program, students using the principles and knowledge of electromagnetism, will build their own motor using simple building materials and magnets. With small corrections in the distance of the magnets and the magnetic “trap”, they will try to achieve the maximum rotation possible.
Morse Code and Optical Fiber

6th grade
Students learn to use the Microbit and optical fiber to encrypt and decrypt Morse code messages.
Save the forest!

6th grade
The students are called to save the forest from the flames! Will they be able to send the rescue message to the fire brigade in time?
Newton’s steps

5th grade
Students learn about the benefits of exercise and create their own
pedometer with Microbit and accelerometer.
What are we going to eat today;

5th grade
Students learn about proper nutrition by programming a fun Scratch game.
Behaviour on the road

4th grade
Students learn about proper driving behaviour through it of programming a fun reflex game in Scratch
In the mind of the computer

4th grade
Students construct a robot to investigate the
binary system, bits, and conversions, as well as comprehending how it thinks a machine.
It’s very windy today!

3rd grade
In this expedition, we will look at the concept of wind. How is it formed, what does the term “intensity” mean, how is its speed estimated, and what measurement devices are available?
My first circuit

1st – 3rd grade
Students will discover how a circuit is built! Batteries, connections, lights, switches, and motors are all included. They will investigate how the light bulb is impacted to illuminate more or less brilliantly, where the switch is located, and what they do with the engine.
Constructing a hydraulic press

1st – 3rd grade
Students construct a lifting platform and learn how a hydraulic press works using simple materials. Students will learn how a hydraulic press works and what it is used for through exciting, age-appropriate activities.
Car Launcher

Through this educational program, children will explore the concepts of Energy,
“Distance Measurement”, “Friction”, and “Thrust” and understand the different
ways in which energy makes vehicles move.
The BeeBot Art Project

By stepping into
the role of young scientists, children will have the opportunity to discover
contemporary artists and experiment with various materials and techniques.

Through programming BeeBot, children will cultivate a positive interaction with the
world of technology, positive sciences, and mythology.
Playground Spinner

Based on a unique story, the young scientists will build two different mills, and through
observation and experimentation with the gears, they will discover the differences in their
motion. Let’s see who will predict what will happen…
Automation Engineering

10 years old
In the “Automation Engineers” program, students create their own automations, more complex than in the previous year, and are introduced to Physical Computing applications!
Open Category 3rd-6th Grade

Open Category 3rd-6th Grade
The program is dedicated to the preparation of the teams for their participation in the Panhellenic competition of STEM Education in the category Open 3rd -6th Elementary.
Category 1st- 4th Grade

Category 1st- 4th Grade
The programme for competitive robotics is designed and adapted to the requirements of the competition. Our young students learn to work in teams to create and develop their projects.
Junior Engineers

1st Grade
In the program “Junior Engineers”, students observe and reflect on the world around them: they learn how engineering constructions are built and the physical principles behind them.
Creative Engineers

2nd Grade
In the “Creative Engineers” program, students discover objects from their everyday world that contain simple machines. The constructions are more complex than last year, as their fine motor skills are improved.
Automation Engineers

10 years old
In the “Automation Engineers” program, students create their own automations, more complex than in the previous year, and are introduced to Physical Computing applications!
Physical Computing & Python

13-14 years old
Students develop projects that “feel” and act in the real world. They construct robotic systems and automations using the micro:bit microcontroller. At the same time, they program in the textual programming language Python.
IoT & Modern Applications

2nd Grade
The Internet of Things is already present in our lives in areas such as energy, health, cities and more.
It involves the interaction of objects with each other or with the outside world using internet technologies.