Foreword by the President of WRO Hellas
The big celebration of STEM and Educational Robotics is here! This year marks 17 years in the effort to introduce educational robotics as well as STEM methodology into compulsory education. This year’s Panhellenic Competition is organized for the 9th consecutive year by WRO Hellas with Strategic Partner COSMOTE and is under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Religion.The organization of a major event such as the Panhellenic Educational Robotics Competition requires experience and know-how that WRO Hellas has acquired and offers completely free of charge in terms of participation in the service of the educational community.Through the competition, the introduction of educational robotics, as well as the wider STEM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics) methodology, into the official education system is sought. The Panhellenic Competition is a unique way for young students to understand natural sciences, programming and
automation, learn to think like engineers, develop their problem-solving ability and expand their creativity.
During their preparation for the competition, the students, with the guidance of their teachers-coaches:
● form teams (teamwork)
● study the relevant literature and experiment (critical thinking)
● explore the science of engineering (engineer thinking)
● face challenges and propose solutions (problem solving).
By exploring these skills in a hands-on and participatory way, children develop
supplies they need today and for the future, whatever their career choice
and if they follow.
The elements that make up the new competition include the following innovative changes:
● Single theme for all ages
● The introduction of simple machines
● The introduction of measurements in Primary.
Overall, the Panhellenic Competition supports STEM as a methodology for compulsory education and defines the ways in which students will acquire the skills of the 21st century. At the end of the competition, the educational community – from Kindergarten to High School – is invited to participate in the competition to respond to the convergence of Greece with technologically developed countries.
Good luck
Ioannis Somalakidis
At the same time, as part of the Panhellenic Educational Robotics Competition, free training seminars will be held for the coaches of the teams that will participate in the competition. The educational seminars will be held remotely.
The National STEM Contest is aimed at students of all school levels from all over Greece. Different educational goals are set for each level, and therefore different competition categories and competition criteria.
The elements that make up the new competition include the following innovations:
- Single theme for all ages
- The introduction of simple machines
- The introduction of measurements in Primary
A smart city is where traditional networks and services are made more efficient by using digital solutions for the benefit of its residents and businesses. A smart city goes beyond using digital technologies to make better use of resources and lower emissions.
It means smarter urban transport networks, upgraded water and waste provision and more efficient ways of lighting and heating buildings. It also means a more interactive and responsive city administration, safer public spaces and meeting the needs of an aging population.

Evolve my city with simple machines (Open Category) | 1st- 4th grade
From prehistoric times, people formed themselves into small societies, creating the first cities. There are cities with a history of thousands of years, which developed either gradually or abruptly,
they were looted, destroyed and rebuilt. In many regions of our country, many historical versions of the city coexist and the ancient part is harmoniously integrated into the modern one.
Smart Cities – Smart Cities (Open Category) | 3rd-6th grade
A smart city is a technologically modern urban area that uses different types of electronic methods and sensors to collect specific data.
The information obtained from this data is used to effectively manage assets, resources and services.
Parallel category Football 2×2
2×2 Football is aimed at Primary School students. In this game 2 opposing alliances consisting of 2 remote-controlled robots each, chase a ball, on a specially designed table (soccer field). The goal of each alliance is to win the game by scoring more goals than their opponents.

Beginners – Advanced
Ages 10-16
Η φετινή δοκιμασία έχει ως βασικό στόχο τη σύνδεση της αφηρημένης επιστημονικής γνώσης με την καθημερινότητα των μαθητών/τριών και την επισήμανση της σπουδαιότητας του ρόλου των αρχών της μηχανικής στο σύγχρονο τρόπο ζωής. Σημαντική είναι επίσης η κατανόηση της ιστορικής πορείας διαμόρφωσης αυτού του τρόπου ζωής και της σημαντικής θέσης που κατέχει σε αυτή τη διαδικασία η εφεύρεση των απλών μηχανών. Τα παραπάνω επιδιώκεται να επιτευχθούν μέσω της ανάδειξης των σχέσεων αφηρημένων επιστημονικών εννοιών όπως «δύναμη», «κίνηση», «τριβή», «πίεση» με τις αρχές λειτουργίας των απλών μηχανών και την ανάγκη των ανθρώπων να κάνουν τη ζωή τους ευκολότερη.
Και οι έξι απλές μηχανές που περιλαμβάνονται στη δοκιμασία (σφήνα, κεκλιμένο επίπεδο, μοχλός, τροχός και τροχαλία) έχουν χρησιμοποιηθεί για χιλιάδες χρόνια, και η φυσική πίσω από αρκετές από αυτές ποσοτικοποιήθηκε από τον Έλληνα φιλόσοφο Αρχιμήδη (περίπου 287–212 π.Χ.). Όταν χρησιμοποιούνται μαζί και συνδυάζονται, αυτές οι μηχανές μπορούν να δημιουργήσουν ένα ακόμη μεγαλύτερο μηχανικό πλεονέκτημα για τον άνθρωπο, όπως στην περίπτωση ενός ποδηλάτου ή ενός αυτοκινήτου.

Vocational Senior High School
Η πόλη που ονειρεύομαι – Smart City (Ανοικτή κατηγορία)
This category invites the students and teachers of EPA.L. to inspire, design and build robotic machines, mechanisms, components, automation, miniature factories or parts of miniature factories, which:
- They will help in the proper functioning of the cities
- They will improve living conditions in cities
Φόρμα Εγγραφής
(**Ο αριθμός συμμετοχών ισοδυναμεί με τον αριθμό των ομάδων που θέλετε να δηλώσετε. Μπορείτε παρακάτω να βρείτε το έντυπο γονικής συγκατάθεσης και να το προσθέσετε στη φόρμα σας συμπληρωμένο, ένα για κάθε μαθητή. Το έντυπο θα το έχετε μαζί σας και την ημέρα του διαγωνισμού εκτυπωμένο για να το καταθέσετε στους υπεύθυνους.)