In the mind of the computer

4th grade Students construct a robot to investigate the binary system, bits, and conversions, as well as comprehending how it thinks a machine.

Astronomy workshop

Higher Elementary School and Middle School In the last 50 years, humans have begun to explore the universe, whereas the colonization of adjacent planets seems a realistic goal. So, STEM Education develops a workshop, that students work as explorers in a new celestial body, where a new mission landed recently.

It’s very windy today!

3rd grade In this expedition, we will look at the concept of wind. How is it formed, what does the term "intensity" mean, how is its speed estimated, and what measurement devices are available?

The secrets of the engineer

3rd grade What is the purpose of a gearbox in a car? Why is its function so critical? Let us convert into little engineers and begin our adventure!

When the earth dances

2nd grade Let us now discuss the earthquake. We'll find out how this is made. Natural occurrences and what we may do to protect ourselves and stay safe in these situations

Who is pushing the car?

2nd grade Are you ready to construct a car that is unlike the ones we see around us? A car that, in order to move, will require... a pendulum!

My first circuit

1st - 3rd grade Students will discover how a circuit is built! Batteries, connections, lights, switches, and motors are all included. They will investigate how the light bulb is impacted to illuminate more or less brilliantly, where the switch is located, and what they do with the engine.

Constructing a hydraulic press

1st - 3rd grade Students construct a lifting platform and learn how a hydraulic press works using simple materials. Students will learn how a hydraulic press works and what it is used for through exciting, age-appropriate activities.

Hit the target

1st grade The catapult is an ancient tool that has been passed down to us. Which is the narrative of how it came to be such a significant and useful tool for them. persons from the era?

Land sailing ship

1st grade Is the wind really that powerful? And if it does, why aren't all vehicles powered by wind?