Weather IoT Wizards

Meteorological Station and Climate Challenges

The program “Weather IoT Wizards” is a comprehensive STEM initiative designed to introduce students to environmental science through modern technology.

Meteorological Station and Climate Challenges:
Students build weather station units using Micro:bit to monitor and record local climate data.

In parallel, the program focuses on understanding the parameters that affect climate change, its impacts, and the importance of accurate weather monitoring.

Students learn to analyze data to identify trends and anomalies in weather data, promoting awareness of global climate challenges.

Program Objectives

Environmental Awareness: Raising students’ awareness about climate change and its consequences.
Knowledge of Climate Parameters: Gaining knowledge about the parameters that affect the climate of a region.
Technical Skills Enhancement: Strengthening technical skills related to systems for collecting, sending, and processing measurements through IoT systems in the cloud.
Deepening Understanding of Physical Quantities: Deepening students’ knowledge of the physical quantities taught in school.
Mathematical Knowledge Acquisition: Gaining mathematical knowledge related to graphical representations of quantities.

Expected Learning Outcomes

After completing the program, students will be able to:

Correlate Measurements: Relate measurements of physical quantities to climate parameters.
Recognize Climate Change Effects: Identify the manifestations and impacts of climate change.
Create Sensor Systems: Develop sensor systems for collecting and processing measurements of physical quantities.
Use Cloud Services: Utilize cloud services for remote storage and graphical representation of measurements.
Perform Data Processing: Conduct simple data processing tasks, such as calculating averages, maximums, and minimums.

Program Modules:
1. What is Climate?
2. Assembling a Weather Station
3. Temperature and Humidity Sensors
4. UV Radiation and Light Intensity Sensors
5. Pressure Sensor
6. Data Display and OLED Screens
7. Processing Climate Data: Averages, Minimums, and Maximums
8. Wireless Data Transmission
9. Cloud Ascension: Sending Data to the Internet

Lesson tags: Engineering-Εργαστήρια Δεξιοτήτων

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