STEM Roots: Hydroponic Cultivation in the Classroom

STEM Roots: Hydroponic Cultivation in the Classroom

“STEM Roots” is a comprehensive STEM program focused on innovative sustainable agricultural practices.

Students work in groups to construct hydroponic plant growth systems and engage in nine activities centered around the automation of these systems. They explore topics such as hydroponic technology, effective irrigation techniques, environmental monitoring, and the impacts of climate variables like temperature, humidity, and light on plant growth.

Students gain an in-depth understanding of the physical quantities affecting plant growth, analyzing and measuring these factors.

The program emphasizes practical skills in the construction and maintenance of a hydroponic greenhouse, the use of IoT technology for real-time monitoring, and the application of electronic systems for automated plant care. Through these activities, students acquire a deep understanding of sustainable agriculture, the integration of technology in farming, and the broader implications of environmental management in cultivation.

Objectives of the Program

The program aims to educate students on innovative sustainable agricultural practices using hydroponic technology. It focuses on:

Enhancing Understanding: Strengthening the understanding of how science and technology interconnect with environmental applications.

Deepening Knowledge: Deepening students’ knowledge of physical quantities taught in school and how these affect living organisms.

Instilling Critical Thinking: Instilling critical thinking and problem-solving skills related to climate challenges and modern agriculture.

Gaining Practical Knowledge: Students acquire practical knowledge about hydroponic systems and their benefits for sustainable food production.

Developing Skills: Developing skills in collecting and analyzing environmental data using IoT technologies.

Evaluating Climate Impact: Learning to appreciate the impact of climate variables on plant growth and agriculture.

Encouraging Innovative Thinking: Encouraging innovative thinking and practical application of STEM concepts in real-world conditions.

Program Units:

1. What is a Hydroponic System?
2. Hydroponic Irrigation Systems and Water Economy
3. Understanding the Role of Temperature in Plant Growth
4. Controlling Ambient Temperature in Greenhouses
5. Effects of Air Humidity on Plant Growth
6. Effects of Light Intensity on Plant Growth
7. Effects of Different Solar Light Frequencies on Plant Growth
8. Time Management in Hydroponic Automation Systems
9. Data Recording and Analysis

Lesson tags: Engineering-Εργαστήρια Δεξιοτήτων

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