Early Simple Machines

Through engaging activities and hands-on play with age-appropriate materials,
children explore concepts, phenomena, make observations, and draw conclusions
about how the world around them works..

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Children configure their robots to follow specific paths. As a result, they grasp the concept of sequence and acquire algorithmic thinking.

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Lilliputian Scientists

This program is designed for preschool educators who wish to integrate Physical Sciences into their classroom, experiment and explore learning with children.

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In this educational program, you'll become familiar with the use and programming of BeeBot. Beebot is one of the most...
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Physical Computing

13-14 years old
Students develop projects that “feel” and act in the real world. They construct robotic systems and automations using the micro:bit microcontroller. At the same time, they program in the textual programming language Python.

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Education Robotics

12 years old
The Education Robotics educational program guides students into the future of educational robotics. The use of specialized sensors and the artificial intelligence camera constitute the innovation of the program.

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Lillipoutian Engineers

5 years old
The educational program “Lilliputian Engineers” is designed for Kindergarten students. Children take their first steps into the world of Science, Technology and Engineering.

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Young Engineers

6-7 years old
Young Engineers is designed for early primary school pupils and enables them to be transformed into small scientists. By watching the world around them, children learn to wonder what’s going on in nature, how something works or what a device does.

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Design & Technology

5th-6th Grade
In the Design & Technology educational program, students explore the world of design and technology, combining creativity and innovation! From digital design to the construction of functional prototypes, children discover the principles of design and technology integration. They learn to use digital design tools, 3D printers, and robotics, transforming their ideas into reality.

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Education Robotics Microbit

11 years old
In the Education Robotics Microbit curriculum, students design and configure their first fully autonomous robotic constructs in the natural world to fulfill exciting missions.

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