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STEM Week for educators (ERASMUS)

STEM Education offers a unique opportunity for European educators, funded by Erasmus, to be initiated into the STEM Educational method.

STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines — science, technology, engineering and mathematics — in an interdisciplinary and applied approach. Rather than teach the four disciplines as separate and discrete subjects, STEM integrates them into a cohesive learning paradigm based on real-world applications.

Our summer school focuses on an interactive learning procedure that offers theoretical scientific knowledge, using hands-on activities that include simple and more complicated constructions. Through this method, one can get accustomed to all Simple Machines (gears, pulleys, wheels and axles, levers) but also to the line of work of machines and machinery we use in our everyday life, such as windmills and racing cars. Once familiar with the concept of engineering, we enter the field of educational robotics by building programmable robotic structures and creating the automation which serves particular occasions.

The tutor’s role in this revolutionary program is to motivate the children to explore and search for knowledge through experimenting and observing, knowledge that would otherwise be offered to them in a much later age. Consulting them rather than physically intervening, the tutor participates in an open discussion that leads to extremely valuable conclusions.

Using kits of educational robotics as basic gear, our highly trained personnel will introduce all participants to the philosophy of STEM and teach them ways to best approach and apply this innovative educational method. Using real world learning activities, implementing resource based and project-based approaches, one can create a custom, cross-disciplinary curriculum that would absolutely serve the needs of their respective location and culture.

Furthermore, visiting Greece is a first class privilege to witness the magnificent cultural heritage of the country and enjoy the beautiful landscape.


  • 28 hours of training in STEM and Educational Robotics

Fee: Contact

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Morning session


The STEM Educational Method From Simple Machines to simple constructions Educational Robotics: Building a future Advanced Programming


Robotics Competition Simulation


Simple Machines and Mechanisms Mechanical Advantage and motion Automation and Programming Hands-on activities

Evening session


Field trip: Visit the Parthenon Problem solving with engineering concepts Field trip: Visit Sounion Have fun learning!: Creating educational scenarios Conclusion




Introduction of electricity and motors Create your own curriculum Gala

The fee covers:

  • All materials needed for the course
  • Tuition fee for lectures, seminars and workshops
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