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WeDo 2.0 Scratch

Do not miss this chance and learn now how to construct and code unique and original models by using your LEGO Wedo 2.0 kit, which is one the most beloved and popular robotic kits.
This educational program is exclusively designed to introduce students to automation and educational robotics. Each unique construction is controlled by a code that has been formed by students in a digital environment, which is user friendly, pleasant, and easy to use.
The interactive and creative way of learning is not only pleasant and focused but also extremely easy. Each student can, see their constructions move and perform specific purposes by following the code. Furthermore, They can also test and improve their problem-solving skills!

Music Robots Δημοτικό Σχολείο Πεύκης 2η θέση OPEN Αττική

Educational benefits:

Your students will learn about automation, in which no humans are no longer necessary for a robot to perform a process.

By using robotics as a tool, students will understand topics of physics, technology, mathematics, and engineering (S.T.E.M.), interactively without theories and unnecessary terminology. Simultaneously, they will have the opportunity to develop skills of ingenuity, algorithmic & programming pattern by acting with team spirit.

Program info

  • Number of lessons: 4  (3 each)
  • Duration: 180

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