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Arduino Experts


The program is aimed at those who want to learn to use Arduino by programming with graphic language type Scratch or Arduino C. The program negotiates all the basic functions of the Arduino UNO. The sensors and actuators to be used in the activities are included in the Grove Beginers Kit for Arduino package. The choice of the Grove material was made so that one can easily and in a minimum of time implement the circuits of the activities. Grove materials are a complete system of sensors and actuators with the least possible wiring complexity.

The equipment

For the implementation of the program the participants receive the required material.

The Easiest Way To Get Started With Arduino - Grove Beginner Kit

Educational program’s goal

The purpose of the program is for participants to become well acquainted with the Arduino processor, how to program it and how to use it, in robotic and electronics applications.

Participants will be introduced to the concept of measuring physical quantities and physical changes. Through the activities they will learn to read, to design, but also to build experimental devices with electronic circuits.

Students will begin to understand the sensors used in everyday devices, as well as the programming algorithms behind them. After completing this program, they will be able to build small projects and even program the Arduino processor system at home. Participants will be ready to be introduced to more complex physical computing and robotics systems.


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