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When the earth dances

Age group: 2nd grade
Duration: 1h : 30min

Have you ever witnessed the earth dancing? The truth is that he does need to do it at times. It alternates between more powerful and softer beats. But what exactly is going on?
Let us now discuss the earthquake. We will understand how this natural phenomenon occurs and what we can do to protect ourselves and stay safe in these situations. We will develop an earthquake simulator and test the structural stability of the buildings that the young pupils will build. They will begin the process of discovering for themselves how a building is safe while also being able to explain the phenomenon. Will they be successful?

Physics: natural phenomenon, vibrations, movement
Math: size scale
Technology: robotic units, motors, the concept of automation.

Information technology: programming commands in a WeDo 2.0 environment.

Program information

The workshop can be attended by second grade students, Duration: 1h : 30min

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