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Strut with the Algorithms


Seminars for Preschool teachers and educators on the introduction of programming in preschool age.

With this new program we want to provide kindergarten teachers with the necessary tools to help their students gain a solid foundation from a very young age in understanding programming concepts through experiential activities.

Each lesson is a different story – a challenge that motivates children to solve a problem through the programming of a robot. The group of students creates its own unique story, which is then illustrated in the form of a track.

Kids First Coding & Robotics is compatible with WRO Hellas educational robotics competitions!

GIGO Kids first Coding & Robotics

With Kids first Coding & Robotics you will be able to teach preschool students the basics of programming and how to develop STEAM skills. This cute sandwich robot teaches algorithmic thinking and develops STEM skills in preschoolers. It does not require the use of a tablet or computer to program it. Programs are created simply, with a series of command cards that create the algorithmic “path”. On the track, the robot moves in different directions, activates mechanisms, turns on LED lights, plays sounds and responds to different action cards.
Kids First Coding & Robotics also teaches physics, engineering and problem-solving skills through construction and programming. Where the preschool children will build their first algorithm and will present their city in a simple way, while developing their artistic and social skills.

Program Info

  • Number of courses:4 (3 hours each)
  • Duration: 12 hours
  • Price: 200€  (50% Discount to school teaching staff )

Purpose of the program

The main goal of the program is to cultivate basic programming skills through enjoyable, playful activities. We also aim to develop problem-solving skills and teamwork.

  • Starting date: October 2021

For information and registration call 2106010162 and at

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