Welcome to the world of Steam for preschool ages, a world full of surprises, contemplation, exploration, and discoveries. Children even from their infancy tend to experiment and try to discover how the world around them works.
But do they always come into contact with the appropriate stimuli to cultivate this innate ability? By providing children with the appropriate stimuli and tools, we will wonder, explore, and travel together to the world of natural sciences, engineering, mathematics, and art. We will get to know scientists, inventors, and artists who have made significant contributions to the advancement of sciences.
How is this possible? This particular program incorporates our three core programs: BeeBot, Early Simple Machines and Experiments, with the ultimate goal of allowing our little friends to develop algorithmic thinking, construct functional models and forms, and experiment with a range of different materials, discovering their properties.
The boundless imagination of children, their creativity, and their tendency for exploration form a strong foundation for us to approach new concepts together and encourage them to cultivate a positive interaction with the world of technology as well as natural sciences, from preschool age.
Λιλιπούτειοι Επιστήμονες τώρα, πραγματικοί στο μέλλον!
Διαθεματικές Γνώσεις
- Φυσική: Τριβή, Ταχύτητα, Δύναμη, Ενέργεια
- Τεχνολογία: Απλές Μηχανές, Μετάδοση Κίνησης
- Μηχανική: Δόμηση, Επίλυση προβλήματος, Σχεδιασμός κατασκευαστικών λύσεων
- Μαθηματικά: Αρίθμηση, Μοτίβα, Μετρήσεις
Θεματικές Ενότητες
Ενότητα 1η: Κτίσματα
Ενότητα 2η: Φύση
Ενότητα 3η: Αέρας
Ενότητα 4η: Παιγνίδια
Ενότητα 5η: Γρανάζια
Ενότητα 6η: Απόσταση
Ενότητα 7η: Τροχοί και άξονες